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Shipyard Radio LLC broadcasts Contemporary Christian music across the entire United States, Canada and United Kingdom 24/7/365! We also broadcast daily on the following platforms:, Roku through,,, and this website. Please review our home page for easy to listen FREE options.
Shipyard Radio LLC will make it as easy as 1...2...3 to broadcast your message!
Prepare a 15 second (approximately 35 - 40 words) birthday greeting audio message that will be broadcast across our vast listening area and to tens of thousands of listeners 3x/Day for 3 consecutive days.
Email programs limit the size of attached files and your audio file is likely to be large. Upon submission of the Happy Birthday Form, we will email a special link that will allow you to securely send your large file (this is at no cost to you) to our our on-line "dropbox" account. Upon your receipt of the link, please upload your radio ad audio message or send cellphone video (we can extract the audio) of your birthday message (up to 15 seconds / approx. 40 words). We will include final audio preparation, ie. making your message sound professional and add appropriate background "music beds." Shipyard Radio LLC will put it all together.
All of this for the currently discounted price of ONLY $49 (plus any applicable tax)! No other hidden fees or charges! There are LIMITED time slots available!
This is a fun, happy birthday message. Please...No Vulgarity, Personal Threats or Other Message Inconsistent with Biblical Principles. Shipyard Radio LLC reserves the right to final edit and/or acceptability.
We will attempt to satisfy your preferred time request based upon other programming and available time slots.
Upon payment (USD) and receipt of your audio message, we will prepare and insert your birthday greeting audio message into our programming rotation.
Give a special birthday greeting audio gift to a child, parent, friend, work associate or whomever is special to you!
You will hear, your birthday recipient will hear and our entire listening audience will hear! Also, please tell others of your broadcast message!
It's as easy as 1...2...3!
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